3 min lesen | Aktualisiert 02 Mar 2022 | Kategorie General | User AvatarAlin Ionut


Beside our Production environment, we have also a Sandbox environment where you can test our ecosystem. Bellow we list all our sandbox component base endpoints, side by side with production ones. Make sure you check each component own documentation section, for in deep informations about them.

No real transactions will be made on Sandbox environment, and some actions may require our admins attention.

Base URLs

Component Production Sandbox
API https://appapi-public.cryptocoin.pro https://dev-api-public.infra.cryptocoin.pro
Checkout https://checkout.cryptocoin.pro https://dev-checkout.infra.cryptocoin.pro
Widget https://checkout.cryptocoin.pro/order/xxxxxxxx https://dev-checkout.infra.cryptocoin.pro/order/xxxxxxxx
Partner https://partner.cryptocoin.pro/login/xxxxxxxx http://dev-partner.cryptocoin-app.test/login/xxxxxxxx
Me https://me.cryptocoin.pro https://dev-me.infra.cryptocoin.pro
ID https://id.cryptocoin.pro https://dev-id.infra.cryptocoin.pro
Web https://app.cryptocoin.pro https://dev-app.infra.cryptocoin.pro

The Sandbox environment have different access keys than Production ones, so you have to be careful when you authorize your requests.

Fallback codes

For Sandbox environment you have the possibility to use some fallback codes when required by the platform, as following:

Component Fallback code
Phone 111111
2fa 111111
Email 1111111111

Test Cards

Type Number CVV Expiration Date Status
VISA 4000000000001000 111 Any date in future 3-D Secure & Successful Authorisation
MASTERCARD 5200000000001005 111 Any date in future 3-D Secure & Successful Authorisation
- - - - -
VISA 4000000000001018 111 Any date in future 3-D Secure & Failed Authorisation
MASTERCARD 5200000000001013 111 Any date in future 3-D Secure & Failed Authorisation

If this do not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@cryptocoin.pro.

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